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Volcanoes in the Antarctic-Scotia Volcanic Regions

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    Leskov Island

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  • Volcano photo slideshow

    Buckle Island

  • Volcano photo slideshow

    Penguin Island

  • Volcano photo slideshow


  • Volcano photo slideshow

    Southern Thule

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  • Volcano photo slideshow

    Hudson Mountains

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  • Volcano photo slideshow

    Young Island

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  • Volcano photo slideshow


  • Volcano photo slideshow

    The Pleiades

  • Current

Additional information about the Volcanic Regions in this group and a map display is still being prepared.

There are 28 Holocene volcanoes in the Antarctic-Scotia Volcanic Regions.

Balleny Hotspot Volcano Group

Volcano Name Country Last Eruption Volcanic Landform
Buckle Island Antarctica 1899 CE Composite
Young Island Antarctica Unknown Composite
Sturge Island Antarctica Unknown Composite

McMurdo Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Country Last Eruption Volcanic Landform
Unnamed Antarctica Unknown Caldera
Morning Antarctica Unknown Shield
Erebus Antarctica 2024 CE Composite
Royal Society Range Antarctica Unknown Cluster
The Pleiades Antarctica 1050 BCE Composite
Melbourne Antarctica 1892 CE Composite

Western Antarctica Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Country Last Eruption Volcanic Landform
Berlin Antarctica 8350 BCE Shield
Andrus Antarctica Unknown Shield
Takahe Antarctica 5550 BCE Shield
Hudson Mountains Antarctica 207 BCE Composite

Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Country Last Eruption Volcanic Landform
Paulet Antarctica Unknown Minor (Basaltic)
Mount Haddington Volcanic Field Antarctica Unknown Shield

South Shetlands Volcanic Arc

Volcano Name Country Last Eruption Volcanic Landform
Deception Island Antarctica 1970 CE Caldera
Penguin Island Antarctica 1905 CE Composite
Bridgeman Island Antarctica Unknown Composite
Melville Antarctica Unknown Composite

South Sandwich Volcanic Arc

Volcano Name Country Last Eruption Volcanic Landform
Southern Thule United Kingdom 1975 CE Composite
Bristol Island United Kingdom 2016 CE Composite
Montagu Island United Kingdom 2007 CE Shield
Saunders United Kingdom 2024 CE Composite
Candlemas Island United Kingdom 1911 CE Composite
Hodson United Kingdom Unknown Composite
Leskov Island United Kingdom Unknown Composite
Zavodovski United Kingdom 2016 CE Composite
Protector Seamounts United Kingdom 1962 CE Cluster

Chronological listings of known Holocene eruptions (confirmed or uncertain) from volcanoes in the Antarctic-Scotia Volcanic Regions. Bolded eruptions indicate current continuing activity as of 16 August 2024.

Balleny Hotspot Volcano Group

Volcano Name Start Date Stop Date Certainty VEI Evidence
Buckle Island 1899 Jan 12 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Buckle Island 1839 Feb 9 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported

McMurdo Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Start Date Stop Date Certainty VEI Evidence
Erebus 1972 Dec 16 (in or before) ± 15 days 2024 Aug 16 (continuing) Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1972 Jan 3 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1963 Nov 16 (in or before) ± 15 days Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus [1957 Jul 2 ± 182 days] [1958 Jul 2 ± 182 days] Uncertain  
Erebus 1955 Jul 2 ± 182 days Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1947 Feb Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1915 Aug Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1915 Mar 22 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1912 Dec 12 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1911 Oct Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1911 Apr 1911 Jun Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1908 Mar 1908 Nov Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 1903 Jan 1 ± 730 days Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus [1900 Feb] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Melbourne 1892 ± 30 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Correlation: Tephrochronology
Erebus 1841 Jan 28 (?) 1841 Feb Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Erebus 0950 ± 4000 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Ar/Ar
The Pleiades 1050 BCE ± 14000 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: K/Ar
Erebus 2050 BCE ± 3000 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Ar/Ar
Erebus 2950 BCE ± 300 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Cosmic Ray Exposure
Erebus 4050 BCE ± 500 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Cosmic Ray Exposure
Erebus 4550 BCE ± 500 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Cosmic Ray Exposure
Erebus 7050 BCE ± 2000 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Ar/Ar
Erebus 8050 BCE ± 5000 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Ar/Ar

Western Antarctica Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Start Date Stop Date Certainty VEI Evidence
Hudson Mountains [1985 Jul 2 ± 182 days] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Hudson Mountains 0207 BCE ± 240 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Sidereal: Ice Core
Takahe 5550 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Sidereal: Ice Core
Takahe 6250 BCE ± 5400 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Ar/Ar
Takahe 7050 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Sidereal: Ice Core
Berlin 8350 BCE ± 5300 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: Ar/Ar

Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Start Date Stop Date Certainty VEI Evidence
Seal Nunataks Volcanic Field [1980 Jun 15 ± 545 days] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Seal Nunataks Volcanic Field [1893 Dec 11] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Paulet [1850] [Unknown] Uncertain  

South Shetlands Volcanic Arc

Volcano Name Start Date Stop Date Certainty VEI Evidence
Deception Island [1987 Jul 23] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Deception Island [1972 Sep 29] [1972 Sep 29] Uncertain  
Deception Island 1970 Aug 12 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Deception Island 1969 Feb 21 1969 Mar 16 ± 15 days Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Deception Island 1967 Dec 4 1967 Dec 7 Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Deception Island 1912 ± 5 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Penguin Island 1905 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Chem/Bio: Lichenometry
Deception Island 1871 ± 40 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Correlation: Tephrochronology
Penguin Island 1850 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Deception Island 1842 Feb Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Deception Island [1839 (in or before)] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Deception Island 1827 ± 2 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Deception Island 1800 (in or before) Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Penguin Island 1683 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Chem/Bio: Lichenometry
Deception Island 1641 ± 3 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Sidereal: Ice Core
Deception Island 1500 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 1200 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0900 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0600 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0100 (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0100 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0250 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0550 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0700 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0750 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 0800 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 1550 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 2750 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 3250 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)
Deception Island 6750 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Isotopic: 14C (uncalibrated)

South Sandwich Volcanic Arc

Volcano Name Start Date Stop Date Certainty VEI Evidence
Bristol Island 2016 Apr 24 2016 Jul 26 Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Zavodovski 2016 Mar 30 2016 Jun 15 ± 15 days Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Saunders 2014 Nov 12 2024 Apr 20 (continuing) Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Montagu Island 2001 Oct 1 ± 20 days 2007 Sep 20 Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Saunders 2000 May 13 2013 Nov 16 Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Saunders 1999 Jan 19 1999 Jan 19 Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Montagu Island [1996 Sep 1 ± 180 days] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Saunders 1995 Apr 16 (?) ± 15 days 1998 Feb 16 (in or after) ± 15 days Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Saunders 1989 Jan 30 1990 Mar 22 Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Southern Thule 1975 Jul 2 ± 11 years ± 182 days Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Protector Seamounts 1962 Mar 5 1962 Mar 5 Confirmed 1 Observations: Seismicity
Bristol Island 1956 Jan 11 1956 Jan 19 (?) Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Candlemas Island [1953 Dec 31 ± 365 days] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Bristol Island 1950 Mar 27 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Bristol Island 1936 Dec 18 1937 Jan 1 (?) Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Bristol Island 1935 Dec 31 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Hodson [1930] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Candlemas Island 1911 Nov 6 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Zavodovski [1908 Nov] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Saunders 1900 ± 10 years Unknown Confirmed 1 Correlation: Tephrochronology
Hodson [1830 Sep 22] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Zavodovski [1830 Sep] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Candlemas Island 1823 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Zavodovski [1823] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Bristol Island 1823 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Saunders [1823] [Unknown] Uncertain  
Saunders 1819 Dec 29 Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Zavodovski 1819 Dec Unknown Confirmed 1 Observations: Reported
Candlemas Island 1250 BCE (?) Unknown Confirmed 1 Sidereal: Ice Core

There are 28 Pleistocene volcanoes in the Antarctic-Scotia Volcanic Regions.

McMurdo Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Country Volcanic Landform
Terror Antarctica Shield
Hut Point Peninsula Antarctica Cluster
White Island Antarctica Shield
Black Island Antarctica Minor
Transantarctic Mountain Foothills Antarctica Minor
Mason Spur Antarctica Cluster
Beaufort Island Antarctica Composite
Discovery Antarctica Composite
Taylor Valley Antarctica Minor
Franklin Island Antarctica Shield
Unnamed Antarctica Cluster
Adare Peninsula Antarctica Shield
Mount Rittmann Antarctica Shield

Western Antarctica Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Country Volcanic Landform
Waesche Antarctica Shield
Siple Antarctica Shield
Toney Mountain Antarctica Shield
Peter I Island Antarctica Shield
Bursey Antarctica Shield
Obiglio Antarctica Minor
Shepard Island Antarctica Minor
Crary Group Antarctica Cluster
Murphy Antarctica Shield
Beethoven Peninsula Antarctica Cluster

Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Province

Volcano Name Country Volcanic Landform
Brabant Island Antarctica Cluster
Tabarin Peninsula Antarctica Shield
Argo Point Antarctica Minor
Seal Nunataks Volcanic Field Antarctica Cluster

South Shetlands Volcanic Arc

Volcano Name Country Volcanic Landform
Livingston-Greenwich Islands Antarctica Minor